If you’re facing a divorce, you might envision months of stressful court dates, high legal fees and a drawn-out process. However, divorce does not have to be problematic. Mediation offers a pathway to a more amicable, efficient and cost-effective divorce resolution...
Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional.
DIVORCE – Divorce Mediation
Is divorce mediation the right option for you?
Divorce mediation is an alternative to the long and often contentious process of litigation. It provides a more cooperative approach, allowing both parties to work together with a mediator to reach mutually acceptable agreements. While divorce mediation may be...
How to prepare for divorce mediation
If you have chosen to use mediation to end your marriage, then you have already taken a positive step toward making the divorce simpler. Couples who mediate their divorce tend to finalize things much sooner than those who litigate, thereby saving themselves money as...
Answers to three questions about New Jersey family law mediation
Divorce can feel like a scorched-earth battleground, but there may be a way to head off all-out war and end your marriage under more peaceful terms. Mediation, with experienced guidance, could keep you out of the courtroom while facilitating a better post-divorce...
Couples with children may benefit from mediating a divorce
Some people with young children decide to stay in unhappy marriages out of concern for those children. Others may eventually obtain the motivation they need to file for divorce because of their children. They don't want to continue exposing them to constant fights or...
How is divorce mediation different from a traditional divorce?
Deciding to end a marriage is never an easy or pleasant decision. However, it doesn't have to be as stressful and lengthy a process as some people fear. Divorce mediation is an option that provides a less confrontational and more collaborative divorce. Guidelines for...
3 reasons New Jersey couples turn to mediation during a divorce
Divorce is often a painful process, and couples can make it harder by fighting with one another. Those who can't agree on custody matters or property division issues may need to ask a judge to help resolve their disputes. Litigated divorces can lead to intense...
Is obtaining the perfect divorce settlement just a pipe dream?
What is your version of a perfect settlement? If it is getting all the high-value assets and complete control of child-related matters, prepare for disappointment. Family courts in New Jersey prioritize fairness and children's best interests when deciding or approving...