Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional.
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Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional.

How divorce mediation can protect minor children

On Behalf of | Jan 30, 2025 | DIVORCE - Divorce Mediation |

There are many reasons why divorcing couples might choose mediation over litigation. Some people need specific terms, while others worry about privacy. Concern for minor children in the family can also serve as a powerful incentive to resolve disputes outside of court whenever possible. Mediation can help spouses reach agreements on property division, financial support and child custody matters. Those who share children may find that mediation is a viable solution that helps them protect their children.

How can mediation between parents benefit children during a divorce?

By limiting conflict

Divorcing spouses frequently lose sight of the big picture and become so emotional about divorce issues that they lash out at one another. The more conflict that arises between the parents, the more devastating the divorce may prove for their children. Minor children often struggle to heal after high-conflict divorces. By working cooperatively in mediation, parents can avoid escalating their interpersonal conflict.

By minimizing pressure on children

Older children whose parents do not agree on custody terms sometimes have to convey their preferences to the court. It can be very stressful for children to feel like they must choose between their parents. Divorce mediation allows parents to resolve their disagreements with one another outside of court. They set their own terms, which ultimately means that they don’t have to ask their children for input regarding the division of parenting time.

Attending divorce mediation instead of litigating custody, support and property division matters can be a good choice for divorcing parents. Keeping conflict minimal and taking pressure off of the children can be beneficial in the long run under most circumstances.

