Every parent has a legal obligation to support their minor children – but your co-parent doesn’t seem to think that is important. Maybe they’re just irresponsible, or maybe they’re trying to punish you for leaving the relationship by withholding the funds your child...
Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional.
FAMILY LAW – Child Support
When is it time to modify your child support order?
When parents divorce, the court will issue orders for child support. These orders are meant to better ensure the financial well-being of the child and are based on the circumstances at the time they are issued. However, circumstances may significantly change, and this...
Can New Jersey child support help pay for college costs?
Parenting is a very expensive undertaking. Adults have to provide for all of a child's basic needs until they are old enough to live independently. In some cases, families may continue making substantial financial contributions to a young adult's life for many years...
What Do I Do If I Can No Longer Pay Child Support?
Every parent has a duty to provide for their child until they can be old enough to fend for themselves. And most parents take up this responsibility with the nobility it deserves. Things take a different turn if parents are divorced, however. In this case, the court...