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Photo of Professionals at Laemers, Murphy & Neggia, LLC

Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional.

Virtual visitation resources for co-parents of tweens

On Behalf of | Mar 21, 2024 | FAMILY LAW - Child Custody |

Co-parenting is never easy. However, it can be easier when kids are at some points in their development than it can be during others. For example, some parents find that trying to co-parent “tweens” (pre-teens) across two households is particularly challenging.

By utilizing virtual visitation wisely, co-parents can potentially leverage technology to strengthen their bonds with their tweens.

Straightforward resources and getting creative

Video calls are often treated as the cornerstone of virtual visitation arrangements, as they offer a more personal and engaging way to communicate than traditional phone calls. Platforms like Zoom, Skype and FaceTime allow parents and tweens to see each other, share experiences in real-time and maintain a visual connection.

There is no need to stick with traditional communication platforms. For example, many tweens enjoy video games, making gaming together an excellent way for parents to bond with their children. Online multiplayer games or apps that allow for collaboration or competition provide a fun and interactive way to spend time together.

Beyond gaming, there are numerous online activities that parents and tweens can do together during their virtual visitation time. Watching a movie or a TV show simultaneously and discussing it, going on virtual tours of museums or zoos or even reading a book and having a discussion about it can serve as shared experiences and foster closeness.

Finally, for co-parents looking to support their tween’s learning, there are several educational platforms that offer interactive learning experiences in subjects like science, history and art. Engaging in these educational activities together can be both enriching and a way to stay involved in a tween’s academic life.

Co-parenting a tween may not be an easy undertaking. But, by thinking a little bit outside the box during virtual visitation time, parents can feel more empowered to bond with their kids who may not always be eager to do so, given the nature of their developmental stage.

