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Staying in control when a child custody dispute escalates

On Behalf of | May 10, 2024 | FAMILY LAW - Child Custody |

Enduring a drawn-out custody battle is one of the most heart-wrenching experiences a parent can face. Not only do you fear losing access to your child – you must watch them suffer alongside you and your co-parent.

Feelings often run hot on both sides, turning a seemingly minor disagreement into an all out war. Although understandable, giving your emotions free rein can sabotage your case. 

In simple terms, here are some ways to protect your legal case when negotiating hotly for fair child custody orders.

Never miss court 

Being present at proceedings involving your child shows you care about them and want to secure their best interests. Skipping court dates could also lead to decisions made without your input.

Document everything

Keep records of interactions with your child, communication with your ex, and important events or incidents. These records demonstrate your commitment and provide evidence in court.

Follow court orders

Comply with your existing child custody arrangements, even if they seem unfair. The court may feel disobeying your orders shows a lack of responsibility.

Keep communications open

Even when they are the last person you want to talk to, maintain open communication with your co-parent. A willingness to collaborate, despite disagreements, shows you prioritize your child.

Be consistently involved

Regularly participate in your child’s life, social activities and extracurricular events. Inconsistent involvement could raise questions about your parental commitment.

Although your child custody negotiations may never be easy, these guidelines could help prevent things from worsening. Combined with legal guidance, they may even lead to a custody and parenting plan that serves everyone’s needs – especially those of your kids.

