Parents who are divorcing have a few options when it comes to parenting styles. Most commonly, divorced parents can have a co-parenting relationship with their children. This is often the most preferred choice for parents thinking about the well-being of their children.
Co-parenting means each parent has a joint responsibility to raise their children. For example, parents can decide how many days in a month each parent sees their children. Or, parents can decide which parent is responsible for attending their children’s doctors’ appointments, school meetings or religious gatherings. Parents in a co-parenting arrangement can communicate many of these important factors related to their children over the phone or in person.
Immediately or over time, parents may realize that co-parenting isn’t working for them. There may be difficulties discussing what each parent wants for their children. And, discussions may cause old marital pains to inflame, causing fights and arguments.
If this happens, parents may need to consider other options. Here’s what you should know:
How to manage a parallel parenting plan
While most courts agree that co-parenting is in the best interests of children, many parents struggle to adapt to the relationship. Parents who constantly fight while co-parenting may need to consider parallel parenting.
A parallel parenting plan intends to reduce fighting between parents and focus on the needs of their children. Parents are often in charge of their responsibilities while reducing communication between parents. While parents still need to communicate in a parallel parenting plan, the way parents do so is often limited to texts and emails.
The relationship between parents often determines the parenting plan. Co-parenting and parallel parenting plans don’t work for everyone. Parents may need to learn about their legal options when considering the future of their relationship with their children.