Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional.
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Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional.

How to communicate with your spouse during your divorce

On Behalf of | Apr 21, 2023 | DIVORCE - Divorce |

If you are going through a divorce, you may need to communicate with your soon-to-be ex-spouse. The divorce process can be challenging, and issues may come up. Thus, you should consider discussing crucial matters for a more manageable process.

Here is how you can communicate with your spouse during your divorce:

Choose a reliable communication method

You and your spouse should agree on the most suitable means of communication and use it throughout the process. You can choose to communicate through the phone, email or physical meetings, if possible. Each party should respect the chosen method.

Agree on what you can discuss

Disagreements can arise when you are communicating with your spouse. You are going through a painful and confusing process – a small subject can lead to major fights. Therefore, you should agree beforehand on what you can discuss, preferably matters concerning the divorce and kids if you have any. 

Discuss how much interaction is needed

You and your spouse should discuss how much communication is needed in your case. You don’t need to contact each other daily. You can choose to call or meet once or twice a week to discuss all issues, instead of making calls now and then. Both of you need to heal and talking every day may not help.


Listening to your spouse is crucial when going through a divorce. You should take note of their requests and suggestions. Of course, you don’t need to agree to all of them, as you also have your opinions, but you need to listen and understand them. You should also be willing to compromise in certain aspects.   

Communication during a divorce is crucial. It’s also vital to get legal help to protect your interests.  

