Whether you are crafting a parenting plan in the wake of a romantic split or you are trying to rework an existing plan to better reflect your child’s interests, carefully considering the role that virtual visitation can play in your family’s co-parenting dynamic is an effort that is almost certainly worth your time.
Virtual visitation is a term that refers to ways in which parents and children communicate when they aren’t residing in the same location. Meaning, any time that your child isn’t residing with you, you could take advantage of video chats, texts, audio recordings, etc. to stay connected with your child. When your child is residing with you, your co-parent could take advantage of these same communication methods to remain connected with them as well.
Crafting a schedule and expectations that work for all parties involved is key, as the last thing that your family needs is an additional source of tension as your child shuttles between two households.
Why make this effort?
Virtual visitation can help to strengthen the bonds between parents and children whenever they are not residing under the same roof. While your child may insist that they do not “need” to keep in regular contact with you when they are with your co-parent – especially if you see your child regularly – your insistence that you remain connected and invested in creative ways could prove to be truly meaningful as your child looks back on how your relationship has evolved.
By proactively discussing your family’s circumstances with legal guidance, you can gain personalized insight that can help you to construct an efficient, effective virtual visitation arrangement that is workable for you, your co-parent and your child. This is an effort that may be well worth your time, given the potential benefits associated with such arrangements.