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Is co-parenting the same as joint custody?

On Behalf of | Mar 27, 2023 | FAMILY LAW - Child Custody |

As the world of parenting grows more complex, so do the terms used to describe different family dynamics. “Co-parenting” is a term often heard, but this concept sometimes gets confused with legally established joint custody agreements. 

It’s essential to understand the differences between these two concepts and determine which might work best for your family.

Working together for your children

Joint custody is a legal arrangement concerning the parents’ rights to decide on their child’s education, healthcare, and welfare. In essence, it divides the legal custodial responsibilities of parenting between both parents. It can also dictate the physical custody of the child and determine the amount of time spent with each parent. 

Co-parenting describes the relationship between two divorced parents. It involves the process of jointly raising their children in two separate households while showing respect for each other as former partners. 

Co-parenting is a great way for divorced parents to ensure their children have stability, consistency and security. It promotes healthy communication and allows both parents to remain involved in their children’s lives while also helping to reduce stress and anxiety levels for the child. 

While it can be challenging, there are a few things that can help to ensure co-parenting success. 

  • Communicate and remain respectful of one another
  • Be willing to listen and compromise where possible
  • Work together and show a united front in front of the children with how decisions are approached
  • Practice patience 

Co-parenting can provide a more positive experience for parents and their kids. The attitude of a successful co-parent is one of cooperation, support, compassion and respect. It allows your child to build a solid relationship with both parents and teaches them valuable lessons on communication and working together as a team

